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1Accespted Variables in PHP Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:42 am

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Variables in PHP
Learn PHP - part 3

To define a variable
In PHP are we indicating our variables with a dollar sign followed by a name, but remember also that PHP is case-sensitive, ie. there is a differences between big and small letters.
All variables starts with big letters or a underscore (no numbers are allowed) followed by the name written with letters or numbers.

Here is some examples of the variables:

$var = "Now am I";
$vaR = "writting something";
$Var = "by using";
$vAr = "the PHP variables.";
echo "$var $vaR $Var $vAr";

In a document will it look like this:

Now am I writing something by using the PHP variables.

Variables as reference
If we want to make a reference with another variable, are we only going to add this sign "&", before the variable.

I've added a example again:

$var1 = "Hello World!"; // var1 contains "Hello World!"
$var2 = &$var1; // var2 contains reference to var1
echo "$var1 $var2";

It will then look liek this:

Hello World! Hello World!

Variables in a form
Try pasting this inside your document and you'll see that it'll show up a funny little thing.

I'll start explaining it after you've viewed the whole source

<form method="post" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Start">

You entered following name:
echo $_REQUEST['name'];


All right. There isn't the big to explain about the HTML form. The only special stuff that we want to know more about is the PHP_SELF. This part of the code will return the file, plus the content inside the variables name.
The echo $_REQUEST part will return the content inside the form field "name". In stead of using the $_REQUEST, could I've also used $_POST, because that's the method for sending data in my case. If I want to receive something, can I use $_GET.

A little bit about array
Before we switch to the next tutorials are we taking a short look at arrays.

In the example have I defined an array as $fruits, that contain five fruits. Each of these names can I flow the command echo $fruits[]. Remember that the first name should have [0]! '

$fruits = array(apple, pear, banana, orange, grape);

To find the fruit banana am I writing echo followed by $fruits[2];, if I then want to find grape am I writing $fruits[4]; instead of $fruits[2]; etc.

In the next lesson will we take a look at loops.

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